Travel, Rest, Croissants, & Business Growth Strategy

I just returned from a trip of a lifetime. I spent the month of September living and working from one of my favorite cities – Paris!

Ever since I spent the fall semester abroad in London during my junior year of college, I’ve always wanted to live abroad for a moment as an adult. When I started my firm almost five years ago, I was intentional about creating a location-independent, online-based firm.

And whether it’s a month in another country or a week in a city several hours from home, here’s what I learned during my time away and what’s taking me and the firm to new heights in 2023.



Rest is critical and not something I’m great at. I know I’m not alone.

Hustle culture is still a thing, and we all know that starting and operating a small business can be a grind. It takes sacrifice and usually that means sacrificing your personal time.

I was off the entire first week of September, and I didn’t realize how physically and mentally exhausted I was. Truthfully, I could have used another week off. But the week was restorative in ways that I could not have anticipated.

Of course, you’re never really off when you have a business because it’s always on your mind. But you can set appropriate boundaries and prioritize rest. I returned having made that commitment to myself.


Paris Photo #1

New Location, New Ideas

Sometimes all it takes is a new location to get a new perspective and to unlock your creativity.

This is the time of year when many of us are thinking about next year, reaching for new goals, and making improvements both personally and in our businesses. I got so many ideas and answers to challenges after getting some rest and having to get acclimated to a new environment.

So, while I will not move to a new city every other month (at least not now), I will be more intentional in working from different locations, whether that’s a week in another city 3-4 hours away once a quarter or just a day working from a co-working space that requires me to drive on a different highway.


Scaling . . . Back

I went to Paris knowing I would take a week off and get back to a regular work schedule the last three weeks. I also knew I wanted to enjoy my new environment and not just on the weekend.

So, I committed to sticking to a 40-hour work week and sometimes a bit less. I was more productive, in less time. I was getting things done, checking items off my to-do list, and getting rest. Amazing.

Moving forward, part of my business growth strategy is to say “no” more and narrow down to the essential services. I know that means more profit and making space for growth in other areas - finally getting to execute the ideas I’ve had to take the firm to the next level. I found the old cliché, “less is more”, is true.

Paris Photo #2

Making Room for Things That Feed Your Spirit DAILY

I love a routine. And since my small Paris apartment wasn’t the best place to exercise, I went for a run or walk every morning in my neighborhood park.

I love beautiful parks, nature, landscapes, and my neighborhood park, aka Jardin des Tuileries, was top-tier. I also love exploring – it brings me joy. Exploring my new city daily after work brought me joy daily.

Museums I had not visited on previous short trips, street art, different food, and beautiful parks - I enjoyed it all. The same way prayer, meditation, showering, brushing my teeth, etc. are all part of the daily routine. I returned home committed to making time for activities that feed my spirit daily.

Time away in a beautiful city was just what my mind, body, and spirit needed to close out the year with a bang.


Melanie Cunningham in front of Eiffel Tower